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Crazy pregnant lady ALERT!

It's been a while since I've updated....I probably should be updating more since it's supposed to be good for my mental health.

Oh I've also decided that I'm going to be posting in Korean sometimes so that I can practice. My husband will also be posting too! So any soon to be fathers needing some tips or what not may benefit from his posts. :)

I am currently 17 weeks 2 days, 3 weeks since my last post.

There were some significant changes in those three weeks.

+I'm eating better. Nausea has subsided quite a bit. I've started eating healthier!

+My gums are starting to get sore. Apparently pregnant women are more prone to gingivitis and other gum diseases. yay......

+My eyes are always dry now. I have to put in tear drops on the daily.

+Heart burns have become a nightly routine. Something about the uterus growing and the acid being pushed up causing these uncomfortable heart burns. NOTHING HELPS.

+I am starting to grow a belly. But then again, I already had one to start out with. :D

+Everything hurts. The womb is growing so it's starting to push on my spine and hips, which leads me to look like a penguin when I walk. Sooooo cute..... -____-

+Decided on a girl's name. Isabelle Evie Kim. HOW CUTE IS THAT?!?! But I've been so wishy washy on this could change again.

+If it happens that I'm wrong and the baby is a boy.....oh man. Haven't really thought of any boy names at all. It's a girl! I just know it!

+I banned myself from driving. Yup. It stresses me out and my anxiety doesn't help either. So..... there's a reason why I banned myself. This is where the title comes in. So as I was driving to pick up a bite to eat, I found myself next to this lady that just couldn't care for anything other than her phone....WHILE DRIVING. This lady almost hit 3 other drivers and those drivers were honking and giving her the bird. Yet she still didn't look up from her phone. When it was my turn to almost be hit by her, I just flipped my s***. I literally went from a scared little pregnant lady to an angry crazy road rage preggo lady mode REAL QUICK. I tried to get her attention by honking but she still wasn't looking up and so I ended up picking up a water bottle from the water bottle graveyard that I have under the passenger seat (I knew that would come in handy one of these days, don't judge me. lol) and threw it at her car. Yes. I threw a water bottle at her car. I WAS LIVID. I remember thinking that this woman wants to kill my baby and she needs to be rid of. Pregnant hormones man... Whether or not she deserved it, it shouldn't have come from me. Especially because I am making a baby in the oven! Hence why I banned myself from driving. HOT MESS CRAZY PREGNANT LADY ALERT........

So besides from all that. I wanted to address another issue. This used to be a sensitive issue to me. I have something called Uterus Didelphys, which means that I have two reproductive systems. I felt abnormal when I first found out so I didn't talk to anyone about it for a while. And then I started to open up to a few girlfriends and then a few more and eventually became comfortable talking about it amongst friends. I decided to talk about it here because this condition is very rare and it's hard to find other women on the internet talking about it. I was extremely concerned when I first found out I was pregnant and spent countless weeks trying to find other women like me. I did find a couple, but not many went into detail about their pregnancy experience. So by posting my experiences, I hope that I can help my fellow ladies that share my worry. You're not alone!


So after some research, I found some devastating information. Some researcher studied women with Uterus Didelphys and this is what he found.

"In his study of 26 women with a double uterus gynecological complaints included dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia. The fetal survival rate in 18 patients who delivered was 67.5%. Premature delivery occurred in 21% of the pregnancies. Breech presentation occurred in 43% of women and cesarean section was performed in 82% of the cases."


So basically a lot of women with this condition cannot have a natural birth because of breech (baby's head not pointing down). There's also a concern which your womb won't stretch enough for the baby to grow in, which will lead to premature delivery.

After some weeks of obsessing over it, I came to terms with it. And so should you. No point in worrying about it and giving more stress to your baby. It is all in gods hands.

Okay! On to the Korean post. :D

한글을 사랑합시다

지난주에 의사가 애기는 잘크고있다고했다. 한달동안 병원을 안가서 불한불한했지만 잘크고있으니 마음이 놓인다. 잘자라라 우리 금똥이~

요즘 남편과의 결혼생활이 많이 좋아졌다. 애기가 생겨서 더 좋아진것같다. 남편은 절때 애때문은아니라고한다 ㅎㅎㅎ 자기는 원래 이런사람이라했던가... 여튼 난 지금 우리가 좋다. 결혼하기전에도 너무 많이싸웠고 하고난후도 싸웠고 그냥 눈뜨면 싸웠던 우리가 요즘은 서로에게 사랑도 깊어졌고 서로 더해주고싶고. 난 오빠를 생각하는 마음이 더 깊어진것같다. 보이는것도 더 많아지고 깨달은것도. 이런 나를 기다려주고 이해해주려하는 남편이 너무 이쁘다. ㅎㅎ 먄 여봉 너무 느려서. 팔자라고 생각해~적같았던 남편이 요즘은 정말 가족으로 느껴진다. 가족을 만들어간다는건 정말 새롭고 희한하기도하고 참 신기합니다 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

아 그리고 요즘에 감정이란게 참....내가 임신을한건지 남편이 한건지. ㅎㅎㅎ 둘다 서로 붙잡고 우는 날이 자주생긴다. 예전에는 서로 자존심쌔서 절때 상상도 하지못했던것들을 요즘에는 아무것도 않인듯이 일어나고있다. 이런것도 같이늙어가는게 행복이라고 느껴진다. 한글은 여기까지. 아오 이거쓰는데도 얼마나 오래걸렸는지. ㅠㅠ. 그래도 대단스!


Until next time~<3

OH! The big GENDER REVEAL is next week! I cannot wait! :D


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