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First Sonogram, Water Coloring, and All About The Dreaded 12 Weeks

This was baby Pooey at 8 weeks. Doesn't she look like a fish with it's mouth open?

Looking back, I can definitely say those weeks were probably one of the hardest and roughest times in my life. I hadn't planned on babies for at least another few years so this was quite the curve ball. Obviously the husband had other ideas HAHA! Needless to say, difficult was an understatement. The pressure of growing a little human inside my belly and doubt for the future consumed me for weeks. AND THEN.....a couple weeks passed and I got over it fairly quick. I just feel bad for my poor husband that had to deal with a hormone ridden crazy pregnant lady for weeks. Love you honey! (but don't let your guard down just yet, bc it ain't over! tehehehe) So while I was going through that hot mess, I tried to find a way to release the crazy lady inside. I turned to painting. Surprisingly, IT HAD NO EFFECT. (insert cynical laugh) Ladies, I hate to break it to you, but you just have to ride those 12 weeks out. I hope it's just as bad for you too. :D ...kidding...maybe...

So I won't sugar coat anything here. Let me tell you all about those dreaded 12 weeks.

-I threw up almost everyday from weeks 7-9

-It got better for a couple days after that and then like some type of sick joke the nausea came back full force with a vengeance.

-I legit could not open the refrigerator to even grab a piece of fruit because EVERYTHING smelled so bad. I feel like one of those super heroes with the heightened sense of smell and spidey senses yet it's not as exciting because I want to gag every 10 seconds.

-I took a shower twice a day sometimes because I couldn't stand the smell of my own skin. (uhh...what?) Yep.

-It's nearing 100 degrees in Texas so I'm pretty much under house arrest because I get sick from being out in the sun for a measly minute. Doctor told me it won't get any better for me since this gnarly Texas heat will only get worse. AWESOME!

-Also, sex was just not an option for a while because I seriously hated my husband. I really thought he was the evil villain in one of those super hero movies and I had to karate chop him to save the universe. Haha no, but really, I was upset with him for petty reasons almost every single day up until a few weeks ago. Probably because I felt so miserable and scared all the time so I needed someone to blame...and the poor husband was the only dummy to take it. Love you honey!

-I went through emotional mood swings daily up until the 10th week. This led to fights with the husband. However, I don't regret it because somehow we have become stronger than ever. I guess you could say we rediscovered love? Whatever the case, it's working for us so I'm not complaining! I can't imagine my life without this man and his unconditional love and support.

We are currently at 14 weeks and thankfully the nausea and morning sickness has settled down a bit. I'm hoping it will be gone in a few weeks!

Thanks for reading and leave me a comment below! I'm a bored pregnant lady stuck at home so entertain me if you will. :D


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